I wrote a Script to parse Outlook Inbox. The output is a CSV file that you can use to analyze various things about your inbox. To Parse a folder in you inbox you can do this Using a BULK INSERT Script to load the data into SQL Server I was able to start generating some graphs. Here is a graph showing the top 20 senders to my email box. I left off the names to protect the guilty.
Top Senders
Hour of day Breakdown
Busy email hours are 8am, 9am, 4pm etc.
Here is a word cloud of all the subject lines in my inbox (some stuff redacted)
VBScript Parse
With an update to Office some of my PowerShell code stopped working so I am adding the VBScript to parse Outlook as well.
What does the value 6 signify for $olFolderInbox ?
ReplyDeleteJust a constant. Could have easily just put a 6 in that getdefault folder call. 3 years later you look at your code again the variable name here helps you remember what 6 means.