Friday, January 17, 2014

Run Club Run Analysis

Me and some other dudes try to run on Thursday nights to and from our Bible Study. We started back in August of 2013. Below are some stats about the various runs and such.

We have two routes. Matt's to Jon's is the first route and Jon's to Matt's is the second route. Typically we run faster on the first route. This could be explained by a couple factors. 1) fresher legs. 2) The route is easier, it starts off with a huge downhill section allowing you to break several land speed records.

The second route includes a huge hill section in the middle and a hill on the final stretch.

Overall Run Times again show that not only are the first route runs better, but they are improving with a downward trend in total time. The trend appears to be moving up on the second route. Best guess on that is the weather. We have run on some cold, windy nights. Last night being the most brutal.

Here is a better graph showing the improvement in Overall Pace on Route 1.

Compared to the Overall Pace for Route 2

Finally here is a chart showing the mile splits for each Route. I am only showing Mile 1 and 2 since the distance is just over 2 miles. The Mile 3 split is only a minute or 2 and was removed.

The first route is faster, more consistent (Standard Deviation of 45 seconds) and improving. The second route is more challenging, slower and not improving. The challenge is to keep running and get better on the second route.

I mentioned last night's run was brutal. So brutal in fact that weather underground listed conditions unknown at 10:35PM. Probably due to the gale force winds!


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