Monday, February 9, 2015

Three Day Desk Temp Study

The office at my current gig runs a little warm. This is not me complaining. I like wearing short sleeves in the dead of winter and it can always be worse. I would much rather the office run hot than cold. Cold is terrible and miserable. I brought my trusty Acurite Digital Thermometer to work a while back during my Fridge Cooling Zones project, so I thought why not track the temperature at my desk for a few days.

Temperature Collection Technique

A while back I had created a PowerShell Script Reminder System. You set the number of minutes you want to delay the timer and run the script. After the amount of time you entered elapsed, a pop up box would display in the center of your screen. Low tech I know but it seemed to work well.

Here is an example of a 15 minute timer.
param([string]$time = "00:15:00")
$timeReformat = $time -replace ",","."
$seconds = ([TimeSpan]::Parse($timeReformat)).TotalSeconds

Start-Sleep -s $seconds
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

$Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
$Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Calibri",24)
$Form.Font = $Font
$Label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label.AutoSize = $True
$Form.Width = 400
$Form.Height = 200
$Form.MinimizeBox = $False
$Form.AutoSize = $True
$Form.MaximizeBox = $False
$Form.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
$Form.BackColor = "White"
$Form.ForeColor = "Blue"
$Form.TopMost = "True"

Here is the pop up message.

As I  mentioned pretty low tech. A few problems with this.

  1. I have to manually run the timer over and over again
  2. I hardcoded the time instead of passing that into the script.
  3. Sometimes I would forget to restart the timer after 15 minutes
I may tweak that script later.

So anyway, I would run the powershell script and then start working on something else. After 15 minutes I would get that fancy pop up box. I would then hop into a Notepad++ document where I would record the date/time (using a shortcut mapped to Crtl+F5), the temperature, and the humidity. 

I would then fire up the PowerShell Script for another 15 minute interval. Again several problems with this low-tech solution. The main problem is that I would forget to restart the PowerShell Script after recording the time.

Day 1 

Date: 2/3/2015
KC High Temp: 46
Recorded Office High: 79
Humidity: 16%

Raw data

2/3/2015 7:3475
2/3/2015 7:5375
2/3/2015 8:1177
2/3/2015 8:2677
2/3/2015 8:4277
2/3/2015 8:5777
2/3/2015 9:1377
2/3/2015 9:2879
2/3/2015 9:4477
2/3/2015 10:0779
2/3/2015 10:2279
2/3/2015 10:3879
2/3/2015 10:5379
2/3/2015 11:0879
2/3/2015 11:4877
2/3/2015 12:2175
2/3/2015 13:0175
2/3/2015 13:1775
2/3/2015 13:3277
2/3/2015 13:5277
2/3/2015 14:0777
2/3/2015 14:2277
2/3/2015 14:3877
2/3/2015 14:5477
2/3/2015 15:0977
2/3/2015 15:2577
2/3/2015 15:4077


There was a huge dive near lunch. You could actually feel a cool breeze running through the office area. It was as if someone enabled some kind of AC cooling unit to cool the place down. Humidity remained constant at  16% for all recorded observations. Thus every time I go to grab my coat I get shocked.

Day 2

Date: 2/5/2015
KC High Temp: 28
Recorded Office High: 79
Humidity: 16%

Raw Data

2/5/2015 7:3373
2/5/2015 7:5073
2/5/2015 8:0673
2/5/2015 8:2175
2/5/2015 8:3675
2/5/2015 8:5275
2/5/2015 9:0875
2/5/2015 9:2377
2/5/2015 9:3977
2/5/2015 9:5277
2/5/2015 10:0777
2/5/2015 10:2477
2/5/2015 10:4477
2/5/2015 10:5977
2/5/2015 11:2477
2/5/2015 11:4077
2/5/2015 12:1277
2/5/2015 12:2777
2/5/2015 12:4477
2/5/2015 13:0777
2/5/2015 13:2177
2/5/2015 13:2377
2/5/2015 13:3877
2/5/2015 14:0177
2/5/2015 14:1977
2/5/2015 14:3477
2/5/2015 14:5379
2/5/2015 15:0879
2/5/2015 15:2479
2/5/2015 15:3479
2/5/2015 15:5679


I was a little more with it on this day in the temp collection. I collected more samples than day 1.  Day 2 was a more typical trend in temperatures in the office. A gradual incline is the norm and is shown here in day 2.

Day 3

Date: 2/6/2015
KC High Temp: 54
Recorded Office High: 79
Humidity: 16%


2/6/2015 6:5273
2/6/2015 7:0575
2/6/2015 7:2175
2/6/2015 7:3675
2/6/2015 7:5977
2/6/2015 8:1777
2/6/2015 8:3377
2/6/2015 8:4777
2/6/2015 9:1477
2/6/2015 9:3777
2/6/2015 9:5779
2/6/2015 10:0179
2/6/2015 10:1779
2/6/2015 12:0177
2/6/2015 12:1677
2/6/2015 12:3177
2/6/2015 12:4777
2/6/2015 13:0377
2/6/2015 13:2877
2/6/2015 13:5477
2/6/2015 14:1177
2/6/2015 14:3777
2/6/2015 14:5377
2/6/2015 15:1177
2/6/2015 15:2677
2/6/2015 15:3877
2/6/2015 15:5379


Interesting dip in temperature on day 3. We reached the high temp right before 10:00AM then had a dip around noon. Stayed consistent throughout the day and we had a last minute spike to 79 right before I left the office for the day.


  • It is warm in the office
  • We reach the high temperature early and typically stay there
  • Sometimes we have a random cooling event that will drop the temperature down. Hard to determine the pattern at this point with the small sample size.
  • The office is pretty dry. 16% humidity was the constant throughout the test. I did see the humidity as high as 20% from time to time.

Next steps

I am planning to build a Arduino temperature recorder to do some longer term automatic trending of temperature. I will base it on a temperature collector I built a while ago. Of course I will post the details on the blog should I actually follow through with the plan.


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