Was walking around the park on one of my speed walks when a bolt of inspiration hit me. It was Monday and Monday is trash day at Westwood. One thought led to another and I started thinking why am I not tracking my trash yet.
Over lunch break I mocked up TrashTracker v 1.0. I just needed something simple, something easy to use from the mobile, with plans to use it Thursday mornings as I am taking out the trash.
I first decided to track the bag count and quickly realized this is not the most optimal. We always have 2 bags of trash. So then I added the following attributes for 2 bags of trash:
- Weight - I am using a simple bathroom scale at the moment with plans to find a better way to weigh the trash
- Smell - purely subjective rating from 1 - 10 on smell. 10 being the most putrid bag of trash you have ever come in contact with.
- Garbage water - A simple yes or no question to determine if the bag busted and leaked garbage water on the floor or worse on your socks and shoes.
I also added a notes section for various notes, and of course we track the date and time of the record.
I used jQuery mobile for the site. Here is a screen shot. Again I just needed something simple to collect the data, I am more interested in the data.

So I recorded the first night worth of trash. Here is the breakdown.
Bag 1
- Weight: 35 Pounds
- Smell: 9/10
- Garbage Water: No
Bag 2
- Weight: 18 pounds
- Smell: 3/10
- Garbage Water: No
What a great night to start the data collection. Bag 1 was horrible. We had to put it outside 3 days ago. The smell was so putrid it permeated into the house from the garage. The house started smelling like garbage. I had to take the bag out to the back porch and leave the garage door open today to air it out.
So there you have it. Another data set to collect and analyze. I would like to capture data for a year. We’ll see how long it goes.
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